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Certification UNI EN ISO 9001

Centrufficio is certified in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001

Certification UNI EN ISO 14001

Centrufficio  is in the process of being certified according to the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.

Certification du bois

Azienda certificata UNI EN 45001

Il sistema di gestione aziendale per la salute e sicurezza di Centrufficio è conforme alla norma UNI EN 45001

Certification SOA cat OS6 et OG1

Centrufficio has the SOA certification cat. OS6 et OG1.

This means that Centrufficio has obtained the certificate recognized by the SOA body for participation in large public contracts.

In order to obtain the certificate, a series of technical, organizational, economic and financial capacities are required.

In addition to carrying out the works, Centrufficio S.p.A. has obtained certification for design, having a team of designers and a Technical Director.

Entreprise certifiée en matière d’égalité des sexes UNI/PdR 125:2022

Centrufficio spa a obtenu la certification de son système de gestion de l’égalité des sexes conformément à la norme UNI/PdR 125:2022.

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