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1 Nov, 2020
TETRIX SAFETY: stay safe also in the office

Tetrix Safety is the new partition system designed by Centrufficio R&D team. It is a modular system of walls in polycarbonate, and therefore, it is very flexible, manageable and easy to move and re-modulate, ideal to meet the temporary need for spacing and to create barriers between work areas due to the current pandemic situation.

In fact, it is an excellent fast and non-invasive system to divide the working environments, especially the large open spaces where many operators work simultaneously.

The system is based on simple columns from the floor (the same used for the free-standing sound absorbing walls of the Tetrix line), to which thin sheets of polycarbonate are embedded and through which it is possible to hook, through clamps, several modules, in order to create real areas of separation. The polycarbonate panels, being very thin, can be positioned linearly or can create curves, as desired by the users.

Finally, to give a touch of design, it is possible to order the walls either with a satin finish (thus also creating a sort of “privacy” area) or with a geometric decoration created by the satin finish opposed to the transparency of the panel.

The Tetrix Safety line is ready for deliveryClick here for more information.

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