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Operative Chairs

The operative chairs are those designed and made for operators who must remain seated 8 hours a day. Therefore, they must necessarily be ergonomic, on castors, and have a series of adjustment mechanisms that allow the operator to remain comfortable throughout the day and to avoid the onset, in the long run, of muscular-skeletal problems.

On the basis of UNI EN standards, the operating chairs are divided into three different types (according to UNI EN 1335): A, B, C. Type B is the most widely used because it offers a good compromise between price and technical characteristics of the seat (including height, backrest and seat adjustments). When choosing an operative seat, it is necessary to bear…


in mind not only the ergonomic mechanisms and the design of the chair itself, but also other factors, such as: padding, upholstery and accessories (armrests, headrest, castors).

In this regard, we provide some tips in the choice of the ideal ergonomic seat:

  • The padding of the seat must be at least 25 kg/m3.
  • If you have a delicate floor, such as parquet, prefer rubber castors.
  • The leatherette is easier to wash, but be careful, it makes the leather sweat more: if the rooms are not sufficiently cooled in summer, prefer the use of fabric.
  • Prefer the mesh backrest to allow the leather to breathe better.
  • If possible, take breaks, working standing up, of at least 15 minutes every two hours.

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