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Organizing your office workstation

Organizing your office workstation

A guide in points Your workspace is the heart of your professional environment. An organized environment not only improves productivity but also enhances well-being. Here are some suggestions from CUFMilano that you can easily follow. 1. Spotlight on ErgonomicsInvest...
CUF SIT: The new production of office chairs

CUF SIT: The new production of office chairs

In December, the new production of office chairs by Centrufficio was finally inaugurated, located in Lentate su Seveso, in the province of Milan.
Inside the new warehouse, our ready-to-deliver ergonomic office chairs are manufactured, along with some custom-order chairs.

Index Saudi Arabia

Index Saudi Arabia

From 10 to 12/09, we participated in the most important interior design event in Saudi Arabia.
Held in Riyad, it was attended by numerous operators in the sector who were able to appreciate the latest innovations presented.

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